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Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Are you obsessed with your baby?

Semua ibu pasti sayang sama anaknya, enggak usah ditanya lah ya...karena itu fitrah dan alamiah. Apalagi buat para ibu baru, yang saking besar rasa sayangnya, terkadang menganggap kalau anaknya adalah bayi yang paling lucu, pintar, dan menggemaskan yang ada di muka bumi. Salah? enggak juga sih, namanya juga cinta...kan buta (apeu)
Sayang sama anak sih boleh-boleh aja, harus malah! Tapi kalau sampai terobsesi? Nah lho...
Di bawah ini adalah kutipan artikel tentang obsessed parent yang saya baca setelah jalan-jalan ke blognya Tara. Enggak tahan buat enggak re-post pertanyaan-pertanyaan di artikel tersebut dan menuliskan jawaban saya sendiri di sini. Hihihi.


Maybe it's a hormone that's released post-birth, or maybe it's the universe's way of messing with us, but we all get a little crazy once we become parents. We think our kid is the smartest. Our kid is the cutest. Our kid is definitely going to be famous when they grow up... because they're just so dang funny! (Show them what a bunny rabbit does, Junior! Go on, do it! Guys, you're gonna love this... )

Bottom line: We're all obsessed with our babes to some degree. But some parents take said obsession to a whole another level. Like, they may need a talking to. Are you one of those parents?

Here are 15 signs that you might be obsessed with your baby. Too obsessed.

1. You don't go anywhere without your baby. When your friends call you to make plans, it's assumed that little Sally will be joining too.
GUILTY. Jabil masih asi eksklusif dan menolak minum dari botol susu, jadi otomatis Jabil ikut saya ke manapun saya pergi. 

2. You find a way to work your baby into every. Single. Convo. Your friend: Gosh, it's so nice out today, isn't it? You: It is! And I'm so excited because I can finally put Johnny in that jumper I bought him!
I'M NORMAL. Saya gak gitu-gitu amat kali. Kalau enggak ditanya tentang Jabil ya enggak cerita. Saya enggak mau jadi ibu-ibu rese yang suka tiba-tiba ngoceh ngalor ngidul tentang anaknya tanpa ditanya. Deuuuh...
To be fair, hasrat ngoceh tentang per-bayi-an saya sudah cukup terpuaskan dengan adanya grup whatsapp TUM birthclup september 2014 yang luaaarrr biasa itu, hahahahaha. 

3. You think everyone is interested in seeing photos of your baby -- even when your baby is with you. Suggestion: the mailman is a little busy.
I'M NORMAL. Saya enggak pamer foto Jabil ke semua orang yang saya temui, kecuali diminta. Eh, tapi instagram saya isinya (hampir) fotonya Jabil semua. Ehm. Semoga yang liat enggak bocen ya....

4. Your therapy sessions have now become more about your baby's problems than your own. You: I feel like she's struggling with an identity crisis lately. I know she's only 8 months, but I feel like she thinks she's a year.
I'M NORMAL. Lagian juga saya enggak punya therapist.

5. Your baby's photo is in every room. And they're only a week old.
I'M NORMAL. Karenaaaa kami belum pindah rumah! muahahaha. Kalau sudah di rumah sendiri, gatau deh gimana.... :p

6. You dream about your baby. And you're mad when you wake up... until you see your baby next to you.
I'M NORMAL. I am dreaming about a one-day-spa, nice smell of that saloon products on my hair, and a proper sleep. 

7. Baby talk has replaced your normal cadence and voice. (High-pitched and sing-songy) Who's paying the electric bill? Mama is paying the electric bill!
I'M NORMAL. Kalau ngobrol sama Jabil boleh lah demikian adanya...tapi kalau sama orang lain ya enggak lah! Kan sok imut. Minta ditabok....

8. You're the person who constantly talks to their baby when on the phone with others ... or tries to get the baby to talk to the person on the other end. Note: Most. Annoying. Thing. Ever.
GUILTY. Pembelaan: sejauh ini yang sering nelepon saya adalah Utinya Jabil, yang kayaknya emang lebih tertarik denger "enggg...nyanya....bububu"-nya Jabil daripada ngobrol sama putrinya sendiri. Kalau Jabil punya handphone sendiri, yakin deh pasti saya mah moal dikoling. 

10. You have your baby's face screen-printed on a shirt. And you wear it when you're out with your baby. (No.)
I'M NORMAL. Tapi kepikiran sih punya custom shirt nama-nama anggota keluarga haha!

11. You FaceTime with your baby when you're sitting at your cubicle at work. And don't consider the fact that your colleagues might not want to hear the question "Did you make poo-poo?" while they're eating lunch.
I'M NORMAL. Or maybe not. Kembali ke pertanyaan nomor 1 dimana jawabannya adalah saya enggak pernah pisah sama Jabil kekekeke.

12. Every person you meet, regardless of their age, reminds you of your baby. It's just something about the way you smile.
I'M NORMAL. Satu-satunya orang yang menurut saya mirip Jabil adalah ayah saya sendiri. Dan semua orang pun bilang hal yang sama.

13. You enter your baby in various "cute kid" contests and ask your friends, Facebook and real, to vote for him. Spoiler alert: They don't.
I'M NORMAL. At least for now. Baruuu aja kepikiran loh mau ikutan kuis-kuis yang suka spamming di IG itu, tapi belum :)))

14. Speaking of Facebook. Your feed? All baby, all the time.
I'M NOT THAT NORMAL. Yekhan sudah kubilang tadi instagram saya isinya Jabil melulu.

15. You got a tattoo of your baby's face. Because if you're ever not near her, and your phone happened to die, you need some way of seeing your little one's face.
I'M NORMAL. Yang ini mah kepikiran juga engaaakkk 

Do you know anyone who's obsessed with their baby? How can you tell?

Dan hasilnya? 12  NORMAL dan 3 ENGGAK NORMAL. Berarti saya masih normal lah ya...seenggaknya untuk sekarang. Mungkin kapan-kapan saya harus isi kuesioner ini lagi, siapa tau hasilnya berubah hahahaha.